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Showing posts from December, 2023

2024 Sewing Goals

With a new year on the horizon (like less than 10 hours as I sit here at my computer), I wanted to share a few sewing goals - this will serve as a reminder and accountability for me when I ponder what to work on next. I suppose I already know that posting more often on my blog should be a goal since this is my first post of 2023. Life has been busy - in a really good way. That hasn’t been totally the case the last few years so I’ll take it and use it as momentum to build a healthy 2024.  My last project of 2023 - I made a couple new quilted bookmarks for my bookworm dragon-loving daughter. Start Fabric Usage Tracking I definitely feel like it’s time to have a more accurate picture of how much fabric I’m using vs. buying. I have more fabric than I can possibly sew, so starting a more mindful practice is important. I will purchase fabric when either: a) it’s truly something I know I’ll use sooner rather than never (I’m looking at you, Postmark by Alison Glass!) and b) I’m actively wo...