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Showing posts from May, 2020

Transparent Squares Quilt Block Tutorial

If you are new to transparency in quilting or need a refresher, this is a simple practice block to make to play around with fabric choices and the effects of transparency. Transparent Squares Quilt Block I posted a video on IGTV that explains the very basics of transparency in quilting. A short simplified version of what I shared is that transparency is the ability to see through layer(s) of an object. It can be real or implied. So in quilting, you can use fabric color choices to make implied transparency. The most basic way to achieve transparency, in my opinion, is to choose dark, medium and light values of one color. Understanding color structure is important, but being a master of it is not required to play around with transparency. For example, if a grey fabric has a lot of cool color blue undertones, then you have to be cognizant of how that specific fabric color plays with other colors. Also, it’s important to realize that while many colors are available in fabrics, it’s...

Georgia and Jessica Quilt Series Mini Quilts

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve likely seen posts that talk about my Great-Grandma Georgia. She is the reason I finally decided to learn to quilt and I’ve been on a personal mission to make a series of quilts as if we were making them together. Here are my first three mini quilts in the #GeorgiaandJessicaQuilt series. A look at Georgia and Jessica Quilt Series - Mini Quilt #3/4 Georgia and Jessica Quilt #1/4 This series, since they’re minis, are numbered under one ;) Part of the reason is that #1 will be reserved for a very specific version I’m making. That one is still in timeout, but I’ve already proceeded to #2. Anyway, let’s get back to #1/4. This is the smallest Lone Star of the group. I daresay maybe the smallest Lone Star ever made?! :) I was inspired by Laura Loewen (@loewensewen on Instagram) who made a tiny quilt name tag for QuiltCon. I’ve been wanting a name tag for guild meetings and for QuiltCon, so I made one too. Since Lone Stars have become an important p...

Signal Quilt Pattern Now Available Through the Modern Quilt Guild

The latest edition of the Modern Monthly, a quarterly digital publication from the Modern Quilt Guild, features my quilt, Signal! The pattern is available for free to MQG members. Signal Quilt by Jessica Plunkett. Photography by Leah Muse Photography. Used with permission from the Modern Quilt Guild. Signal Quilt was a design I adapted from a sketch I made many years ago. One of the original inspirations were the bars that show signal strength on a cellphone. They were rotated to lay horizontally. There’s an interesting play of symmetry and asymmetry in the quilt. The individual bars are not equal in length nor are they proportionally the same. However, as a set, the top and bottom set of bars are the same – the bottom set is just flipped. Signal Quilt by Jessica Plunkett. Photography by Leah Muse Photography. Used with permission from the Modern Quilt Guild. The pattern is designed to be an entry point for quilters coming from a traditional background, but interested in ex...

Altered State Quilt Pattern Now Available in Make Modern Magazine

The latest issue of Make Modern Magazine is now available and my quilt pattern, Altered State, is featured in the publication! Altered State Quilt featured in Make Modern Magazine. Image: Make Modern Magazine This design started as a completely different sketch I made years ago. On a random Friday night inspiration struck and I morphed that original sketch into this design. This particular quilt and the color palette define me well. I love using extremely simplified geometric shapes in my designs. And if you’re been around for awhile, you know that black and pink are my favorite colors, especially in quilts. By using transparency where the blocks intersect, it creates an optical illusion that tricks the eye – the placement of the blocks moves forwards or backwards depending on where your eye focuses. To construct the quilt, I glue basted a few important seams. A short glue basting tutorial is included in the pattern. Altered State Quilt. Image: Jessica Plunkett Altere...