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Showing posts from May, 2019

Visiting Jukebox Quilts

Nestled into the north end of Old Town in Fort Collins, CO, is a vibrant and quirky quilt store. Filled with bright fabrics, inspiring patterns and carefully curated notions, your eyes will be as pleased as your ears as you hear the hum of long arm machines stitching intricate designs into quilt sandwiches. Welcome to Jukebox Quilts. Jukebox Quilts has both a brick-and-mortar and online fabric and notions store. They carry a full range of Juki sewing machines, Innova long arm quilting machines and Bravo embroidery machines. Best of all, the store is filled with EnthusiExperts – knowledgeable, engaging and highly-skilled sewists there to greet and guide you. When I first learned to quilt, I initially thought all quilts were quilted on domestic machines. I was quickly introduced to the world of long arming when my quilt class-turned-real-life friends suggested we visit Jukebox Quilts. I became enthralled in the world of red snappers, pantographs and the famous “Jukebox tie off” with ...