Have you ever found yourself staring at a WIP not knowing where you left off? Have you ever started to fill out a quilt show form and realized you didn't have all the details needed? There are several missing details on quilts I've made that I sure wish I would have better tracked! A couple years ago, I started a quilt project tracking document to keep better record of my quilts. The document has basic information like project name, year started, pattern, fabric, status (cut, pieced, quilted, bound) and year finished. There's also a general notes field so I can add whatever detail I'd like to have down the road. It's been exciting to look back at the document and see what I've accomplished! I have a current projects tab and a completed projects tab so I have an accurate look at what I'm working on. I tend to work on 10-20 projects at a time, so it's easy to forget where I was or what else I need to work on without the document. Since I am a pattern w...