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Showing posts from September, 2017

Quilting Tools: Bloc Loc Rulers

My quilting world was just rocked recently in the best way! I finally discovered Bloc Loc Rulers! I am usually the last person to try a new tool – typically time, money or awareness keeps me from doing so – but once I do, I’m likely to be a fan for life. That is true for Bloc Loc! I had never even heard of Bloc Loc until a couple of months ago (which is crazy considering I don’t live far from where they’re made!) Several patterns I’ve designed are full of HSTs (half square triangles), so it felt like it would be a good fit. Of course I had to wait for a sale and since one of my LQS’s had one recently, I picked up the 6.5” x 6.5” HST ruler. I felt like that covered all the main sizes of HSTs that I make. I watched the quick tutorial on the Bloc Loc Ruler website, as well as a few for their other rulers. They have super quick and easy to understand videos. I just designed a new pattern and had cut out the fabrics. I have 216 2.5” x 2.5” HSTs to create and square up, so I got starte...

Quilting Maintenance Tips

Have you already stopped reading? For me, quilting maintenance just wastes valuable time that I could be using to sew or shop for fabric. Also, what exactly needs maintenance? If you have to ask yourself this question, the answer is probably all of it. Here’s a quick list of maintenance items I perform. 1. If it can be changed, change it. Machine needles and rotary cutter blades. Most of these items are relatively inexpensive. I’m cheap so I cling to a cutter blade until it’s no longer even circular in shape. Replacing them can make a huge difference. All of sudden it doesn’t feel like I’m dragging nails over a chalkboard when I cut fabric. I realize I’m wasting time trying to use stuff that no longer works, and I’m potentially damaging my project. So, I’ve become better about changing things when they need it. I like to evaluate the sharpness of my tools after one or two projects. 2. If it can be reached, dust it. The bobbin case, cutting mat, rulers, sewing table and fabric...

Crossword Puzzle Quilt

I loved designing the Crossword Puzzle Quilt! Last year, inspiration struck when I decided to make a quilt for an engaged couple. I know the woman professionally – we started working for a company around the same time. I was fresh out of school and awkward and tucked away in my apartment every night. After finding out some common interests, we got together a few times and ogled at TV reality stars. Through the years, she has always been very kind to me. After some heartbreaking personal experiences, she finally found a nice guy who makes her very happy. He has two children and they both brought several dogs into their relationship. She posts various hashtags/phrases to describe her relationship and good fortunes in life. I am a Wheel of Fortune FANATIC. My husband and I are competitive, especially when it comes to who can solve the puzzle first. I loved when they introduced the crossword puzzle on the show because I’m better at guessing words with few letters than answering clue...


Hi! Thanks for stopping by to check out my website and blog. I’m glad you’re here! Hi :)  This sort of feels like first meeting awkwardness – the “first” blog post. What do you talk about? Do you dive right in and start talking about quilting? Do you share an introduction, even though there’s an “About” page. Do you share 792 pictures of your cat? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? We’ll keep our “first meeting” relaxed – feel free to say hi and tell me about yourself too. My name is Jessica. I love modern quilting. I am a fabric hoarder and I am not ashamed of it. I’m an aspiring pattern designer. I’ve been designing my own quilts for years and recently started designing patterns people think are cool. So, I’m putting all the pieces together to make a pattern go from just an idea to something you can download or hold in your hand and make. I do have a cat. And a husband. And a child. I love the outdoors more than the indoors. But thankfully things like hot weather, snow and lat...